Project Category: architecture

Voicing Pod

VOICING POD is an intimate space for dialogue, live broadcasts and podcasts, located in the ‘underbelly’ of the iconic Lloyd’s building.


ASSEMBLY is a street auditorium for public debates, discussions, performances, summer screenings and small community gatherings, located in front of the Grade II listed – Maughan Library.

Elenion Kindergarten

Elenion Kindergarten is a school designed for children to play and learn.

A Brick for Venice

A BRICK FOR VENICE re-interprets the iconic forms of the beautiful Venetian chimneys, while exploring the potential of using dredged waste sediment from the Venetian canals and other waste by-products from the surrounding industrial areas, to create a low-carbon brick from and for Venice. This is of particular importance in a time of climate emergency… Read more »

AJ Pavilion for All

AJ Pavilion for All is a landmark pavilion located at the heart of Clitterhouse Playing Fields, Barnet Council. It is positioned centrally within the park, arranged between the main flow of paths to become a focal point, visible from all entrances. The proposed ‘form follows people’ is expressed by a contemporary swooping pitched roof. 

Home for two painters in Hackney

Home for two painters re-imagines an existing Victorian home typology sited in Hackney, into a series of generous rooms for living and painting.

University Campus for Human Rights

The building concept is derived from our client’s vision, an international NGO, to work with communities worldwide – to bring people together, to promote positive change and provide a platform to access knowledge, while training future leaders from developing countries.


Anteberg is designed for graffiti. Its surfaces act as a billboard voicing everyday life in Hackney, while its carved form welcomes street performances. Made as a system of interlocking blue foam blocks, it pays tribute to a material that has been featured in iterative models by generations of architects. Anteberg stands for our right to… Read more »