A Brick for Venice - URBAN RADICALS
A Brick for Venice, Venice, 2023

A BRICK FOR VENICE re-interprets the iconic forms of the beautiful Venetian chimneys, while exploring the potential of using dredged waste sediment from the Venetian canals and other waste by-products from the surrounding industrial areas, to create a low-carbon brick from and for Venice. This is of particular importance in a time of climate emergency and provides a vision for forming closed-loop systems in our built environment.

In 2023, brick is still a primary construction material, with around 1.5 trillion bricks produced globally every year, burning 375 million tonnes of coal. Around 87% of this production is clustered within Asia, which adds an extensive carbon footprint to the bricks as they are transported to the other continents.

A BRICK FOR VENICE re-thinks these outmoded manufacturing methods through the upcycling of local waste materials, in conjunction with a profoundly local production strategy, to drastically reduce the notional brick’s embodied emissions.

The pavilion offers a clear proof of concept that, when scaled up, strengthens the operational sustainability of Venice’s day-to-day maintenance, providing a closed-loop, circular-economy framework that’s undeniably critical if we are to attain a carbon neutral future.


Link to video here.


A Brick for Venice

Type: Architecture

Location: Venice, Italy

Size: 2m2

For: European Cultural Centre, Tyrens foundation

Status: Completed 

Featured in: Archdaily, Design Museum (How to Build a Low-Carbon Home exhibition July 2023 – March 2024), Time Space Existence 2023, Domus, Monocle, DEZEEN SUSTAINABILITY AWARD LONGLIST

Collaborators: AKT II, Local Works Studio

With thanks to: Gaetano di Gregorio, Valerio Volpe, Andrea Siega, Venice Port Authority, Jacopo Vantini

Photography: Matteo Losurdo and Era Savvides
