Project Category: landscape

Street Assemblies

Street Assemblies are a series of public assembly platforms we designed for the City of London, prompting citizens to actively engage in shaping their city’s discourse. Taking various scales and forms, these platforms facilitate conversations from everyday interactions, to organised public debates and performances.

Acts of activism

The proposal responds to Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s invite to Rediscover Notting Hill Gate, and to contribute to the long-term improvements of the area. The site has a history of activism through gathering to protest, which later transformed into gatherings for music and performance, expressed through Notting Hill Carnival and as a way… Read more »

Salina Archipelago

Salina Archipelago is a 4000m2 public park we designed for the Municipality of Larnaca in Cyprus. The project is conceived around the notion of islands, which create an archipelago of activities made from a series of land management movements, which are in turn shaped around the site’s existing vegetation and palm trees, to create a… Read more »

Free Play

Public playgrounds are very rarely designed by the users. FREE PLAY offers a safe framework for children to have their adventure-play ideas realised. It aims to act as a designed 3D framework for the children’s proposals – a framework on which the children can hang their ideas; a sculptural signpost celebrating the children’s games activities and imagination.